Adding more money to your portfolio is always a good idea, and it is best to do it regularly. The most often used interval for regular contribution is once a year. However, if you are just starting to grow your nest egg, you might consider contributing as often as possible. Should that be the case, make sure to consider the trade fees defined by your broker, so that those fees would not neutralize the benefits of contributing.
When the contribution time comes, you have to do some calculating. Assuming a certain asset allocation has already been decided upon for the portfolio, the new contribution amount has to be divided between the financial instruments included in the portfolio.
If you need assistance for doing that calculations, I would be happy to help you.
I am offering this service mostly for my existing customers that bought one of my pre-made or custom-made portfolios, but others are also welcome, if they already know their portfolio "ingredients" and desired asset allocations.
How to purchase:
If you are interested in this particular service, please send payment via PayPal to igor@igorkajari.com in the amount of $89.00. As soon as I get the payment, I will contact you to collect information necessary for me to perform the calculations for you. When the calculations are done, you will get the results: the names of the financial instruments, as well as the numbers of shares to buy.
Once you have those numbers, you will be able to either execute those trades yourself online, or give them to your broker to execute.
Purchase the contribution calculations for your portfolio for $89.00 by clicking on the button below: