For anyone that has not found their perfect portfolio among my 8 pre-made portfolios, I am offering to compose a fully custom-made portfolio. Based on your specific needs and expectations, we will work together to come up with a perfect "mix" of financial instruments with appropriate weight percentages. I will consider your every given suggestion and preference, and do my best to fully tailor the portfolio according to your needs.
If you are interested in this particular service, please fill out the form below, and send payment via PayPal to igor@igorkajari.com in the amount of $399.00. As soon as I get the payment, I will contact you to collect all the information necessary for me to make your custom-made portfolio.
Custom Portfolio
Igor Kajari
After submitting this form, you will be forwarded to PayPal to send your payment of $399.00,
and after that I will contact you to collect all your specific information and preferences.